RAST operates IARU Special Event Station with the callsign HS50IARU・・・RAST
RAST has applied for and has received permission to operate a Special Event station with the callsign HS50IARU to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) Region 3. Activities using this callsign began on June 7 and the callsign will continue to be active until October 31, 2018.
で、JA50IARUは出ないの? というかたがたが多数ですが出ます、 けど、現在係争中です。
まあそんなよなことで、自ずと予想されるのは150年後のIARU Reg.3、200周年、JA200IARUでも、われわれ東海痴呆は必ず揉めます。300周年のJA300IARUでは関西ドンパチ戦争が起こります。